
Welcome to Brains2B.ORG

This site is dedicated to open source Java software. Most of the components and applications you will find here where written in the course of a couple of years working with Java and where found very helpfull by... well me for the most part. However most of it was and is sucessfully used in other open source or commercial software, some of which is owned by, among which the StrongHold product.

By supplying this software as open source I hope it will prevent some 'reinventing of the wheel' that still seems very customary in software development. You will find different components you can use in your own projects that will hopefully save time and effort and can be adapted for your own needs. Next to this there are some applications I have written and are just handy, or fun and would otherwise be collecting dust.

If you do adapt components and applications found here please give back to the community by sharing them here or elsewhere. In the near future Brains2B.ORG will try to find owners for components, other then me. While some projects are not in the front of my mind, but might occupy someone else's. If you contribute or want to contribute please let me know.

Enough of the chit-chat, back to the goodies. Here a list with featured software. A list of all components can be found on the left


At the moment you will find only a small part of my projects here. I'm doing my best to publish everything, but some of the projects still need some work, which basically means I need to write javadoc, unit tests and other documentation for it. I will however try to update this site regularly with new projects until the entire backlog (23 projects) is gone.

CoffeeBreak is an on-line newsreader that supports most common encodings for attachments. The current version is a fully functional beta supporting multiple servers, identities and parallel connections. It also has features for posting multiple files and for downloading the content of nzb-documents.


SquelerDDL is a convenient way to generate SQL Data Definition statements for different databases from the information obtained from meta data.


THex is a hex editor, or binary file editor component with which files and streams can be displayed. The THex component was originally defined for the Squealer project to look at Blob data in a database. While I need to spend some time analysing different binary files I needed an editor as an application that could run on all platforms and supports multiple open documents and this might be usefull to others as well. So I created THexeditor as a normal java application.


Library containing extension on default Swing functionality

  • MaskedField: An implementation of JTextField which displays numbers, dates and textfield with a specific format
  • ExtButtonGroup: an implementation of ButtonGroup which allows only one button to be focus owner and switch between buttons with left/right/up/down.
  • ScrollablePanel: A Panel which allows for multiple panels added to this to be scrollable and selectable (with SelectablePanel interface) and which handles scroll intervals correctly
  • Form, FormAction and EasyForm: panels and interfaces to add default Ok/Apply/Undo/Close buttons to a Form in a GUI. EasyForm is a set of methods to create a Form quickly, but will leave the handling of data to the developer.
  • SwingExtDialog

    Library containing Panes to use as dialog extending default Swing functionality

  • ConnectionPane: Add, removed, edit connection information to databases and select a JDBC connection for use in your application
  • AboutPane: A small Pane to give information about the application, such as version, author, logo, contributors and licensing information.
  • CalendarPane: Select a date from a Calendar
  • EditorPane: A simple wrapper around JEditorPane to show text which is too long to enter into a normal field.
  • FontChooserPane: Let a user select a Font, size and style from the Fonts available to Java.
  • PreferencePane: Pane that makes properties for an application into options people can edit personally. It will take the properties file and either predicts or has been told which kind of editing option should be supplied for a key.
  • TwelBox

    TwelBox is a collection of functionality that only has a basis in that I found most projects I have done needed. From some basic String, Date and Locale manipulation to a standard for dealing with arguments passing to an application to a very small and configurable Logger. Also some small implementation changes to the default Collections provide by Java. The jar file should never grow beyond 32Kb, while it should never be considered a barrier for including it in an application.


    This is by far the smallest component I made and does one simple thing: It overwrites java.util.ResourceBundle to get the internationalisation information from a data source instead of a properties file or class. Having written Java applications that extensively used a database, I did not find it very helpful getting my resources from another source. It surprised me that there is hardly any performance loss noticeable getting resources from the database

    @test is a very small application to show the contents of a Manifest file from inside a jar.


    This component is a convenient way for writing java class files from another java application. It takes care of basic things like formatting, imports, ordering and has methods to easily methods, innerclasses and such in the javafile.


    DataC is just a bunch of interfaces and abstract classes, which don't look very exciting. Their job is defining a standard Data Modification interface for use in applications. The purpose in design was to have my applications deal with the data objects only and not bother about how, why or when these data objects where actually stored.


    Sql2Class is a simple console application to generate data classes (beans) and data control classes (for use with DataC) from a JDBC source

    Dutch Programming index
    A list of the most popular programming languages in the Netherlands
    A new bugfix version of CoffeeBreak is available. New features coming soon
    A small system independent multi-document Hex Editor. You can use Java Webstart to check it out!
    Got annoyed by trying to figure out which version of a jar was used, so @test was born to look into a Manifest file from my right mousebutton