Linux: KDE
Add "attest" as a file-type for x-application-jar and put the following in the command line
java -jar {PATH-TO-ATTEST-JAR}\Attest.jar %f
Mac Os X
Important: if you also want to use this on a Mac take the tar.gz file, instead of the zip
The tar.gz file contains, which you can link to the jar files, through the 'Open With:' statement.
Just select other and select
Under Explorer:Folder Options:File Types select the registered file type JAR (Executable Jar File)
and click Advanced. Under actions select new and create a new action, call it info (or whatever you like).
Under 'Application used to perform action' add the following line:
javaw.exe -jar "{PATH-TO-ATTEST-JAR}\Attest.jar" "%1"
Click Okay.
Starting attest
If you now rightclick on a jar in your platforms file-browser the context menu will show an option info.
If you click on this Attest should show up.