SwingExtDialog supplies the following functionality:
- ConnectionPane: Add, removed, edit connection information to databases
and select a JDBC connection for use in your application
- AboutPane: A small Pane to give information about the application, such
as version, author, logo, contributors and licensing information.
- CalendarPane: Select a date from a Calendar
- EditorPane: A simple wrapper around JEditorPane to show text which is
too long to enter into a normal field. You can set the maximum text length
for this component so one cannot enter more text than the application can store
FontChooserPane: Let a user select a Font, size and style from the Fonts available to Java.
The Pane gives you a preview of how the font looks
PreferencePane: Pane that makes properties for an application into options people can
edit personally. It will take the properties file and either predicts or has been told which
kind of editing option should be supplied for a key. It can make automatic tab pages for properties which
have been grouped. If the key contains Font and/or the value is parseable
as a Font the Font selection screen will be supplied, if it is a Color, color selection will be
provided. True/False will turn into a checkbox. You can also set the selection option for a key manually.
Options are: Font,Color,File,List (last one adds a Mutable JList to add,edit and remove values from a list)
or add a limited amount of options to a key.